Please access the following articles by filling out the form below
Chapter 1 – CAN Intro
Chapter 2 – CAN Signals
Chapter 3 – Reverse Engineering
Chapter 4 – Accessing the CAN bus
Chapter 5 – Setting up X-A 3 as a Scan Tool – Mode 1
Chapter 6 – Setting up X-A 3 as a Scan Tool – Modes 3 & 4
Reverse Engineering the CAN Bus
The Use of CAN Bus Message Electrical Signatures for Automotive Reverse Engineering
NMEA 2000/J1939 Cybersecurity
Testing N2K J1939 ISO11783 RVC Address Claim Vulnerability Kvaser T-Script v1.0PDF
T Script:
N2K Address Claim Hunter20230405.t
NMEA 2000 Vulnerability to Cyberattacks and Mitigation
Warwick Control, Digital Yacht and the National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) have collaborated to produce the following white paper describing NMEA 2000 vulnerabilities to cyberattacks and mitigations that can be taken.