Warwick Control introduce the extensive 3-in-1 CAN Maintenance Kit
with new version of X-Analyser 3
The concept of the kit is to allow the engineer to view the CAN bus on the 3 main layers (Physical Layer, Data Link Layer and Application Layer). The kit includes:
- X-Analyser 3 Professional Software for CAN/J1939/NMEA2000/CANopen
- Kvaser Leaf Light single CAN to USB interface for X-Analyser.
- PicoScope 2206B USB oscilloscope and scope probes – comes with PicoScope 6 Oscilloscope software
- Choice of D9 adaptor cables to interface from the X-Analyser to the CAN bus system (OBD, Deutsch or M12 for NMEA2000).
- Choice of dual BNC adaptor cables to interface from the PicoScope to the CAN bus system (D9 or M12 for NMEA2000).
- Warwick Control carry bag.
- USB stick with relevant software loaded.
The new version of X-Analyser allows collection of CAN frames and analyser each one on the 3 Levels:
- Physical Layer – collect CAN frames, highlight a CAN ID (or PGN) and view the physical signal (CAN_H, CAN_L and Differential)
- Data Link Layer – Displays the usual CAN frame information (Time Stamp, CAN ID, Frame type, DLC and DATA in Hex) plus Bus Statistics (Bus Load, Error Frames and Frame Count)
- Application Layer – also known as the Higher Layer Protocol. CANdb capability that allows view of Signals within Data Field. Includes CANdb for J1939 and NMEA2000. Allows the import or build up for Proprietary Protocols. Also features CANopen interpretation.
This kit sells for £1500.00 (GBP). For more information…
contact sales@warwickcontrol.com